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Nunnery Wood Primary School

Year 5 Maple and Mulberry

Welcome to Maple and Mulberry's class page!

Maple: Mrs Marshall (Mon - Wed) Mrs Mackinnon (Thurs - Fri) - Miss Eyeson & Miss Radbourne

Mulberry: Mr Dodds - Mrs Adair, Mrs Baker and Mrs Topham 

Important information

PE days - Monday (outdoor)  Friday (indoor)           Woodland - Thursdays (every other)                   Home learning - Wednesday

Summer Term 2

Rivers Topic Guide for Teachers - Teaching Packs




Summer Term 1

The Fairtrade Foundation - Wikipedia




                                         Year 5 magistrate visit                                                                            The butterflies have arrived

Thank you to Judy to teaching us about the importance of abiding         Seeing the lifecycle of a butterfly take place has caused great 

by the law.                                                                                             excitement.


The butterflies are free!








Spring Term 2

    Free Mountain Clipart | Clip art, Mountain clipart, Free clip art 


Spring Term 2 KIRF 





Spring Term 1

 Explore! Ancient Greeks - Books for Bugs






Look at our lovely art work inspired by the wonderful book, 'The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse' on children's mental health day.





Spring Term 1 KIRF 


Autumn Term 2

      Victorian England - Dan Tastic Education      





  Autumn Term 2 KIRF 



Autumn Term 1

We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Civil War and Worcester's significance in the final battle. Below are a few photos to show what we have been up to this half term. 



We begin with studying the English Civil War and why Worcester played an important role in the end of the War. This topic will be brought to life with a guided walk through the city to imagine it for ourselves and a pike drill. 

Autumn Term 1 KIRF

Y5 recommended reads