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Nunnery Wood Primary School

Year 4 Lilac and Lime


Welcome to Year 4's class page! The year 4 staff are:

Teachers - Miss Jenkins (Lilac) & Mr Pass (Lime)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Morgan-Price, Miss Hemming, Mrs Ratcliff, Mrs Topham



Tuesdays - Indoor PE

Fridays - Outdoor PE


Autumn Term

We created poppies to represent remembrance day. 

The children have been studying 'biographies' in English. To help learn about biographies, the children have been reading a variety of 'Little People, Big Dreams' books in their reading lessons. 


We have been learning about electricity and circuits in Science. Here is a picture of a complete circuit which the children have made:



The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit from 'The History Lady'. It was wonderful to witness their engagement as they asked insightful questions, shared their knowledge and participated in a variety of activities. These interactions greatly enriched their understanding of the Romans topic.

In Year 4, we started writing magical setting descriptions. As a hook into this writing unit, we enjoyed a 'magic morning'. 

We have had a fantastic start to the autumn term!

The children were asked what their favourite activities have been so far - here is what they said!

  • Roman mosaics
  • Magic morning 
  • Creating a circuit for a lightbulb 
  • Times tables rockstars 
  • Creating our own circuit games in PE

Our topic for the autumn term is "It's a kind of magic!" Our writing will be inspired by Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We will also learn about the Romans (we have booked "The History Lady" to provide the children with an incredible experience).