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Nunnery Wood Primary School

Year 1 Cherry and Chestnut

How many of our wonderful Recommended Reads can you enjoy before the end of Year 1? Each book you read at home or in school will be marked off in your reading diary. Can you read them all during your time in Cherry and Chestnut?


What an amazing first half-term we have had in Year 1! We kick-started our new year with an exciting new theme 'All Aboard!'. We read LOTS of pirate stories, including 'The Pirates are Coming', 'The Treasure of Pirate Frank' and of course, 'Pirates Love Underpants'. From these brilliant stories, we produced lots of amazing writing, created pirate treasure maps, took part in some role-play... and even went on a real pirate treasure hunt!  

In History, we learnt all about a very famous pirate – Granuaile (Grace O'Malley). We asked lots of questions, used the iPads to research information, and created our very own class fact files. In Science, we learnt about materials and which would be the best to build our very own pirate ship. We investigated different materials by looking at their properties and carrying out a test to find out which would float... and which would sink.

Every week, we enjoyed time in the woodland - building dens, digging, playing hide-and-seek, and working with friends. It's amazing how many of our school values we use whilst in the woodland. 

As with all fab topics, we finished with a BANG - dressing up as pirates, playing pirate games, and having LOTS OF FUN! We worked as a team to crack the codes, search for clues... and succeeded in finding the pirate booty! A treasure chest filled with yummy treats.

This half-term, we began our new topic 'Let's Celebrate' - looking at all the wonderful and diverse celebrations we are so lucky to enjoy within our school community.  

In our history, we explored how different life was during the First World War, how animals supported and served during the war, and how people behaved differently. We found it facinating looking at cipher coding, and were amazed at how important pigeons were for sending and recieving messages. We thoroughly enjoyed our key text, 'Flo of the Somme', where we looked closely at the other animals who were involved in the war.

We then enjoyed one of our favourite stories, 'Rama and the Demon King' as we looked closely at the colourful Hindi celebration of Diwali. We created actions to retell the story by heart, which we all loved to do at the beginning of each of our English lessons. 

Of course, we had a special show to finish our half term with - our AMAZING nativity, 'A Midwife Crisis'. We all put on THE BEST show, using our loud and proud voices, our biggest smiles, the best singing, and of course lots of brilliant dance moves. We made everyone proud, including ourselves. 

A Midwife Crisis - December 2023

During this half term, we have loved our topic 'Arctic Antics'!



Rockstars and Robots Day - February 2024

This half-term, we began our new topic 'Long Ago and Far Away' - where we will be exploring well known traditional tales and some new alternative versions, too! We will also learn all about castles, dragons and life back in medieval times. 




This half-term, we began our new topic 'Our Wonderful World - Growing'. We learnt lots about plants, looking closely at what a plant is, how and where they grow, and even identified and named lots of the wild plants we are so lucky to have growing in our school grounds.